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Home � � The secret of speaking english like... American

The secret of speaking english like... American

Some principles are metioned here can help you speak english influently isn't inferior British or American

Don't be rigid in using grammar

When you speaking English, grammar is important but you don't have to be obsessed by the thought like this: “Is that Okay if I add “s” after this word, What do I should choose between Present  Perfect or Simple Past for this sentense or Do I use the right preposition.... Thinking too much  things in the same time make you so messy. Instead of worrying about grammar, you must concentrate on your thought, your grammar improve little by little.

Native also spoke Wrong

Many people from the country speaking English are included sometimes make mistakes about basically grammar. With us, English is the second language so you don't have to be perfect. So, don't pay attention too much about light mistakes. Be confident when communicating and practise more everytime you have a chance

Don't think English is a subject

You can seem English like a important skill to expore and to fall in line with the world. Imaging one day you're in USA, how can you order your favourite if you aren't confident in communicating

Make friend with foreigner

Nothing can help you speak English  influently except practising more and more. It's not difficult to find one foreigner to engage in conversation or you can make friend with your teacher. Except the time you study in your school, you can “gain” studying in out-of-school with your teacher. It's an opportunity to practise communication. This way cost less

Try to practice with your family member

If your time in school is full, you are too busy to do part-time, so time when you be with your family can be a good time for you to use English. Your family is a good enviroment for you to practise English.
 Được thực hiện bởi STSV


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